Thursday, March 19, 2009

Deliverables - Precedent Analysis

I. Humana Building

A. Michael Graves
B. 1982-1985
C. Louisville, Kentucky

II. Façade

A. Each side is slightly different
B. Connect to Roman Architecture
1. Roth, Lecture notes
C. Pyramid on top floors

III. Transition into similarities in ancient architecture

A. Pyramid
B. Columns
C. Shape
1. Use texts to connect a, b, c; why were these elements used?
D. Height
1. Connect to other buildings
2. Why was it important for this building?
E. How were these elements used to make the building better?

IV. Connections
A. Surrounding buildings
1. Similar/different in façade
2. Similar/different in height
3. Similar/different in material
B. Surrounding land

V. Commodity/ Function/ Delight
A. Structure/material/weather and other considerations the designer made
B. What was the purpose of the building? Fulfilling its purpose?
C. Is it appealing?

VI. Interior

VII. Conclusion
A. Personal thoughts on the building
B. Others opinions


1. Drawing of the front facade; pencil on paper

2. Floor plan of ground level; pen on paper

3. Drawing of the left exterior; colored pencil on paper

4. Drawing of the top portion (temple/open area); pencil on paper

5. Aerial View; colored pencil on paper

6. Rear view of building; pencil on paper

7. Interior view (if allowed); colored pencil on paper

8. Drawing of entrance way (columns, etc.); pencil on paper

9. Drawing of street face, with surrounding buildings, pen on paper

10. Interior view; colored pencil on paper


1. Am I allowed to make an interior view one of my pictures?

2. I thought I found a floor plan, but I was wrong. What should I do if I can't find one?

3. I don't know much about different media to use other than pens, pencils and on paper.

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